Hi, can you go on all of the non MP rides in the a.m. and start stacking MPs as time goes along? Or do you have to ride a MP ride to get things going? Thank you!
You can book up to 3 rides in advance and you can't book another one until you've used the first one. The 2 hour rule doesn't exist anymore, so there isn't any stacking as such you can only hold a maximum of 3 at any time.
You can book them 3 days in advance for non-resort guests or 7 days in advance for resort guests. As soon as you tap in you can instantly book your next one.
Have a look at some of Rob's new lightning lane videos, he goes through it on those.
You can book up to 3 rides in advance and you can't book another one until you've used the first one. The 2 hour rule doesn't exist anymore, so there isn't any stacking as such you can only hold a maximum of 3 at any time.