This forum is dedicated to all things Genie – from modifying Lightning Lanes to playing the Genie Slots – we're here to answer all your Genie questions or chat about how things went during your last visit to the parks. For all Disney World topics that are NOT related to the Genie, head next door to the general Disney World discussion category.

We're at Magic Kingdom (Dec 2)- our 7th park day in a row and first day we bought Genie+ (we found the first 6 days manageable without, including MK on a MVMCP day). We stacked a few while we had breakfast reservations and BBB. This afternoon we felt like superstars with ride after ride. Were from Canada and bought a US SIM card- Disney wifi can be a bit spotty/slow, so this was helpful. Genie also drained our phone batteries faster, so we used our portable battery pack. Great day!!