We will have a party of 7, how do you recommend booking Genie Plus for the rides where only a few want to ride? For example, if 4 people wanted to ride Space Mountain and 3 wanted to do a different ride? If we select all riders to get the space mountain time, then cancel the 3 who don’t want to ride would they still be able to choose a ride with their genie plus selection or would that have taken up their selection for that time and we would have to wait 2 hours for the next one?
Any insight on how to use genie plus for a larger party with some different ride selections would be great!
Also your videos are so helpful and appreciate all of your tips! Thanks!
Hello Sarah! We’d recommend booking for everyone since that is the default (it takes time to remove people and you might lose your time slot) and then you can cancel for the folks who don’t want to ride. Tap the three dots next to the ride you booked in the Tip Board view and choose cancel. It will let you pick who to cancel for and then those folks can book their own LL for the attraction they want to ride.