So Last year 2024 - we decided to try and make a Disney Bucket List of things we had never done and try to make time for these things on our trips. This allowed us to focus on new things that we typically didn't have time for in the rush to ride the rides and go to the normal restaurants. A few of those things for us last year were:
Expressions de France
Savor the Savannah
Play Disney Animal Trails at DAK
360 Photo pass pics
All 4 Epcot Festivals
So a combo of things that cost money but also things that are free...
This year our bucket list has similar things... such as
attending a Nighttime event or evening hours non-holiday party
Pirates Adventure Game at MK
Biergarten at epcot
Earth Day at Animal Kingdom
STILL need Hollywood Studios 360 - it is our nemesis
EET in Disney Springs
So Does anyone have anything on their bucket list? OR suggestions of things that you found fun but are not activities people normally do?
We really enjoyed Biergarten, so definitely keep that one on your list.
We enjoyed the On Broadway concert series, watching the sunset at Space 220 Lounge (the off-menu plant-based appetizers are amazing), meeting Captain Jack Sparrow, doing Star Tours many times in a row (it was different every time), having the Lemonade Julep at Casey's Corner while watching the parade, bringing Dole Whip from Aloha Isle into the Enchanted Tiki room, and watching the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular from Rob's favorite seats.