I haven't been to Disney World since I was 9, and am now planning a week long trip with my 9- and 6-year old kids in January. We'll be staying at a Disney resort (Caribbean Beach), and will have park-hopper passes.
I've watched many of the Ear Scouts videos and have found them extremely helpful and enjoyable. But I noticed that the general theme is getting the most out of your "precious park time". I think that day after day of getting as much done as possible for a whole week with kids is probably not sustainable or the most enjoyable way to spend the week. So I'm hoping for some guidance on how to plan a week long trip to Disney World. I've heard of the strategy of doing afternoon naps, and we'll probably try to do that. What else should I be thinking about in terms of strategy for getting the most out of our 7 days, without getting exhausted? A video on this would be amazing.
I definitely think breaks in the middle of the day are good, especially if you are doing early entry and staying for a night time show. We either had timed pool time plus ipad time or nap time. It worked well for us. We would do an early lunch (11 am) either at the hotel or the park, and come back around 3 - 4 pm.
The other option would be to do early entry one day and leave for the hotel a little before dinner. Then return to the same park on another day, but later in the day and catch the night time show.
Have a great time!