We're so glad that we were finally able to get our Disneyland Paris video up. There was SO MUCH footage to sift through, plus the fact that we didn't have much of any narration filmed meant that this one was a beast to piece back together into something folks would enjoy watching. 😂
I'm really happy with how it turned out. It also made me really excited to start thinking about going back. We're happy to share what we learned here from our first visit, so please post any questions you may have. And for those of you who are Disneyland Paris pros, let us know your best tips for making the most of a visit to the most beautiful Disney Park in the world.
So I was recently in France for a work trip and since I've seen most of the sites (not to mention there was a lot of construction getting ready for the Olympics) I decided to take the train out and do Disneyland Paris! Robs video was super helpful and I'm SOOOO glad I got the Quiche... it changed my life.
I was there April 20th which was a Saturday and I'm not sure if it was a slow time of year or if the French just aren't morning people but pretty much everything was a walk on for the first 2 hours of park opening! I rode everything well before lunch and spent the rest of the day repeating my favorite rides and wondering around. There are so many fun things tucked away so I'm glad I left plenty of time to explore!
I didn't make it to park close as i had to get back into the city as i had an early flight the next day so i dind't see the drone show but it's only 10 min long i think so hopefully i didn't miss out too much.
The only for sure tip I would have for anyone visiting is do Big Thunder Mountain FIRST... that's what i did and got on really quick but it was the longest wait of all the rides for the rest of the day - if you've seen the imagineering episode on disneyland paris they aren't joking when they say that Europeans have a love of the wild west - there was a ton of merch for Frontierland in general which was funny to see as an American.
One question I'm wondering is if anyone knows what sort of cheese is commonly used in Disneyland Paris? It has a distinct smell in several of the cafes there and I know it was used in the Quiche and the Toastie I got... i'm wondering if we can get it here in the US?
Fantastic video, and really sold me on Disneyland Paris. I had forgotten how beautifully themed it was. I went the year it opened on a school trip and then a couple of years later, so was lucky to ride the original Space Mountain, which was pretty cool. Thunder Mountain was also a highlight, and I too loved Indiana Jones despite that incredibly tight loop (totally unexpected!) and one of the slowest queues I've ever been in!
I'm not a massive fan of walk-through attractions, but when they're amazing as in Paris, I guess it feels like being in a Disney movie :-)
The one criticism I've often heaed about Disneyland Paris is the lack of Disney atmosphere, despite the amazing theming and landscaping. I just associate Disney with the USA, and Disneyland Paris from that perspective just doesn't feel right, and people I know who have visited have told me the cast members just aren't as into Disney as they are in the US.
Saying all that, your video has made me keen to go back, and being in the UK, I can drive or take the train there! Might book a trip for the Spring!
So not been since covid but planning on a stop by on our way back to the UK from skiing in France in March.
So used to genie plus now (lol) what is the park equivalent called?
You make things so fun to watch, and you're also so thoroughly informative. I enjoyed this video. Sights were stunning