So I got my toes done before my trip to the Flower and Garden Festival in a few weeks. I always try to get in a nice pedicure and polish before I head to Florida (Mosty because some of my toenails aren’t terribly attractive haha). I had a festive red and white paint job when I went last December. Who else has some fun rituals before you hit the World? Also, specifically for Rob, how long does it take you to pick out the perfect set of ears for the day? 😁

Just 4 nights to go until I leave on my 2 week adventure, and my pre-vacation rituals have already begun! I started packing today because I have a busy week at work, I've booked one restaurant (California Grill), and all park tickets were bought a few months ago. From the UK, you can gt a 14 day tickets for a pretty good price. I've also booked one After Hours event. But my biggest pre-vacation ritual of all is just dreaming of all the fun stuff I'm gonna do during my holiday!